2020-05-02 / 6763阅 / 悠然
向用户显示一个表单,以请求其FTP / SSH详细信息以连接到文件系统。
主机名可以采用主机名:端口号的形式(例如:wordpress.org:2467)来指定备用FTP / SSH端口。
插件可以通过'request_filesystem_credentials'过滤器返回true | false来覆盖此格式。
The URL to post the form to.
Chosen type of filesystem.
Default value: ''
Whether the current request has failed to connect, or an error object.
Default value: false
Full path to the directory that is tested for being writable.
Default value: ''
Extra POST fields to be checked for inclusion in the post.
Default value: null
Whether to allow Group/World writable.
Default value: false
(bool|array) True if no filesystem credentials are required, false if they are required but have not been provided, array of credentials if they are required and have been provided.