2020-05-01 / 5200阅 / 悠然
Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook.
The callback functions attached to the filter hook are invoked by calling this function. This function can be used to create a new filter hook by simply calling this function with the name of the new hook specified using the $tag parameter.
The function also allows for multiple additional arguments to be passed to hooks.
Example usage:
// The filter callback function.
function example_callback( $string, $arg1, $arg2 ) {
// (maybe) modify $string.
return $string;
add_filter( 'example_filter', 'example_callback', 10, 3 );/*
* Apply the filters by calling the 'example_callback()' function
* that's hooked>参数
The name of the filter hook.
The value to filter.
Additional parameters to pass to the callback functions.
(mixed) The filtered value after all hooked functions are applied to it.